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Trade Your Pain For Joy

Real Talk Collective ist eine starke Community für alle, die bereit sind, sich von Scham zu befreien, Heilung anzunehmen und authentisch zu leben. Real Talk Collective wurde für alle entwickelt, die sinnvolles Wachstum und Unterstützung suchen. Es bietet einen sicheren Raum, um die Herausforderungen des Lebens zu erkunden, Widerstandsfähigkeit aufzubauen und den wahren Sinn zu entdecken. Egal, ob Sie persönliche Probleme bewältigen oder sich mit anderen auf einer ähnlichen Reise vernetzen möchten, Real Talk Collective ist da, um Sie auf jedem Schritt des Weges zu stärken und auszustatten.

Ready to Break Cycles Shame, Anxiety and Trauma
at Their Source?

Egal, ob Sie eine Einzelperson sind, ein Leiter eines christlichen Werks oder ob Sie ein Unternehmen führen, wir haben Lösungen, die auf Sie zugeschnitten sind. 

Business Leader

Being with people releasing a lifelong burden of shame and embracing freedom is a powerful, contagious experience. It was incredible to see each participant join in the process. It was always by invitation, never performative or coerced. I hope everyone has an opportunity to experience

something like this.

Ministry Leader

REAL TALK has been a transformative and awakening experience. I have been in ministry for 20 years, and have never encountered a tool like this. This pathway is special because it combines depth and digging with levity and hope... all at an unimaginably accelerated rate. REAL TALK revealed how God desired to not only heal my broken patterns, but to use this to impact others through global ministry.

Youth Leader

Our youth are hungry for a safe space to talk about the real struggles happening in their lives. They want to enter a church where they don't have to pretend they are perfect and can experience love, safety, and transparent leadership. They're dealing with profound issues, from grooming and pornography addictions to a lack of hope and self-worth. REAL TALK is the answer to this need.

Organizational Leader

This was like five years of therapy in five sessions! I have seen firsthand, as a participant and facilitator, how transformational these groups are and how they create a domino effect of positive change. After experiencing it, you receive something fresh; you feel lighter and more filled with hope. Everyone needs REAL TALK!

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